richey's reading list
if you want to buy any of these books just click on em
but buy them from *here* PLEASE!!! i really am broke!!
the ones in bold are the ones that i really like
Ageyev, M. - Novel With Cocaine
Arden, John - Workhouse Donkey
Bach, Richard - Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Baldwin, James - The Fire Nextime, Another Country
Ballard, J.G. - The Atrocity Exhibition, Crash
Behan, Brendan - Borstal Boy
Brodkey, Harold - The Runaway Soul
Burchill, Julie & Parsons, T - The Boy Looked At Johnny
Camus, Albert - The Myth of
Sysiphus, The Fall, The
Plague, The Outsider
Chomsky, Noam - What Uncle Sam
Really Wants, Deterring
Cohn, Nik - Awopbopaloobop Alopbamboom, Balls To The
Coleman, Ray - Lennon
Cooper, Dennis - Frisk
Dante - The Divine Comedy
Dazai, Osamu - No Longer Human
Dostoyevsky, Fjodor - Notes From The
Dworkin, Andrea - Mercy
Elliot, T.S. - Wasteland
Ellis, Brett Easton - Less Than
Zero, American Psycho
Ellison, Ralph - Invisible Man
Eugenides, Jeff - The Virgin
Felsted, Richard - No Other Way; Jack, Russia
& The Spanish Civil War
Fitzgerald, F. Scott - Bernice Bobs Her Hair
Foucalt, Michael - Discipline & Punish
Genet, Jean - Miracle of the
Golding, William - The Inheritors, The Lord
of the Flies, Elvis' Last Hours
Harrison, T. - V
Hinton, S.E. - Rumble Fish, The Outsiders
Hotchner, A.E. - Blown Away
Huxley, Aldous - Brave New World
Ibuse, Masuli - Black Rain
Jackson, Alan - The Lost Soul
Kafka, Franz - The Trial, Metamorphosis
Kerouac, Jack - Big Sur, Desolation Angels
Kesey, Ken - One Flew
Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Kropotkin, Alexander - The Life & Times of an Antichrist
Lahr, John - Prick Up Your Ears
Laing, R.D. - Knots
Larkin, Philip - High Windows
Lowry, Malcolm - Under The Volcano
Marcus, Greil - Mystery Train, Lipstick Traces
Milton, John - Paradise Lost
Mirbeau, Octave - The Torture Garden
Mishima, Yukio - Thirst For Love
Murray, C.S. - Crosstown Traffic
Nabokov, Vladimir - Lolita
Orwell, George - Animal Farm, 1984,
Homage To Catalonia
Plath, Sylvia - Winter Trees, The Bell Jar
Rhinehart, Luke - Diceman
Rimbaud - Season In Hell
Salinger, J.D. - The Catcher In The Rye
Sartre, Jean Paul - Nausea
Schneider, Peter - Couplings
Selby Jnr, Hubert - Last Exit To Brooklyn
Sillitoe, Alan - The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner,
Saturday Night Sunday Morning
Slater, Philip - The Pursuit of Loneliness
Tanazaki, Junichiro - Naomi
Thomas, Clem - History of the British Lions
Thomas, R.S. - Collected Poems
Tressel, R - The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist
Warner, Alan - The Sopranos
Welsh, Irvine - Trainspotting
Wharton, William - Birdy
Wharton, William - Pride
Wilde, Oscar - The Picture of Dorian Gray
Williams, G. - Merthyr Rising
Williams, Tennessee - Baby Doll, Small Craft Warnings, Suddenly
Last Summer
Also the following authors have been mentioned but no particular
books cited:
William Blake
Hart Crane
Aleister Crowley
E E Cummings
Guy Debord
Allen Ginsberg
Primo Levi
Norman Mailer
Henry Miller
Harold Pinter
Kenneth Rexroth
Valerie Solanas
Dylan Thomas
Hunter S. Thompson
Emile Zola